
The number of milliseconds that is used as the measuring stick for the length of the speech activity. Durations lower than this value will be interpreted as a human, longer as a machine. Default is 2400 milliseconds.
Increasing this value will reduce the chance of a False Machine (detected machine, actually human) for a long human greeting (e.g., a business greeting) but increase the time it takes to detect a machine.
Decreasing this value will reduce the chances of a False Human (detected human, actually machine) for short voicemail greetings. The value of this parameter may need to be reduced by more than 1000ms to detect very short voicemail greetings. A reduction of that significance can result in increased False Machine detections. Adjusting the MachineDetectionSpeechEndThreshold is likely the better approach for short voicemails. Decreasing MachineDetectionSpeechThreshold will also reduce the time it takes to detect a machine.
Check the Twilio docs for more info.
@default 2400