Package-level declarations


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abstract class AbstractModelDto
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data class AnthropicModelDto(var model: String = "", var modelType: AnthropicModelType = AnthropicModelType.UNSPECIFIED, var customModel: String = "", var temperature: Double = -1.0, var maxTokens: Int = -1, var emotionRecognitionEnabled: Boolean? = null, var numFastTurns: Int = -1, var knowledgeBaseDto: KnowledgeBaseDto? = null, val messages: MutableList<RoleMessageDto> = mutableListOf(), val tools: MutableList<ToolDto> = mutableListOf(), val toolIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(), val functions: MutableList<FunctionDto> = mutableListOf()) : AnthropicModelProperties, CommonModelDto
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data class AnyscaleModelDto(var model: String = "", var temperature: Double = -1.0, var maxTokens: Int = -1, var emotionRecognitionEnabled: Boolean? = null, var numFastTurns: Int = -1, var knowledgeBaseDto: KnowledgeBaseDto? = null, val messages: MutableList<RoleMessageDto> = mutableListOf(), val tools: MutableList<ToolDto> = mutableListOf(), val toolIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(), val functions: MutableList<FunctionDto> = mutableListOf()) : AnyscaleModelProperties, CommonModelDto
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@Serializable(with = ModelSerializer::class)
interface CommonModelDto
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data class CustomLLMModelDto(var model: String = "", var url: String = "", var temperature: Double = -1.0, var maxTokens: Int = -1, var emotionRecognitionEnabled: Boolean? = null, var numFastTurns: Int = -1, var knowledgeBaseDto: KnowledgeBaseDto? = null, val messages: MutableList<RoleMessageDto> = mutableListOf(), val tools: MutableList<ToolDto> = mutableListOf(), val toolIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(), val functions: MutableList<FunctionDto> = mutableListOf(), var metadataSendMode: MetaDataSendModeType = MetaDataSendModeType.UNSPECIFIED) : CustomLLMModelProperties, CommonModelDto
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data class DeepInfraModelDto(var model: String = "", var temperature: Double = -1.0, var maxTokens: Int = -1, var emotionRecognitionEnabled: Boolean? = null, var numFastTurns: Int = -1, var knowledgeBaseDto: KnowledgeBaseDto? = null, val messages: MutableList<RoleMessageDto> = mutableListOf(), val tools: MutableList<ToolDto> = mutableListOf(), val toolIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(), val functions: MutableList<FunctionDto> = mutableListOf()) : DeepInfraModelProperties, CommonModelDto
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data class GroqModelDto(var model: String = "", var modelType: GroqModelType = GroqModelType.UNSPECIFIED, var customModel: String = "", var temperature: Double = -1.0, var maxTokens: Int = -1, var emotionRecognitionEnabled: Boolean? = null, var numFastTurns: Int = -1, var knowledgeBaseDto: KnowledgeBaseDto? = null, val messages: MutableList<RoleMessageDto> = mutableListOf(), val tools: MutableList<ToolDto> = mutableListOf(), val toolIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(), val functions: MutableList<FunctionDto> = mutableListOf()) : GroqModelProperties, CommonModelDto
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data class KnowledgeBaseDto(var topK: Double = -1.0, val fileIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf()) : KnowledgeBaseProperties
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data class OpenAIModelDto(var model: String = "", var modelType: OpenAIModelType = OpenAIModelType.UNSPECIFIED, var customModel: String = "", var temperature: Double = -1.0, var maxTokens: Int = -1, var emotionRecognitionEnabled: Boolean? = null, var numFastTurns: Int = -1, var knowledgeBaseDto: KnowledgeBaseDto? = null, val messages: MutableList<RoleMessageDto> = mutableListOf(), val tools: MutableList<ToolDto> = mutableListOf(), val toolIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(), val functions: MutableList<FunctionDto> = mutableListOf(), var fallbackModels: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(), val fallbackModelTypes: MutableList<OpenAIModelType> = mutableListOf(), val customFallbackModels: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf(), var semanticCachingEnabled: Boolean? = null) : OpenAIModelProperties, CommonModelDto
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data class OpenRouterModelDto(var model: String = "", var temperature: Double = -1.0, var maxTokens: Int = -1, var emotionRecognitionEnabled: Boolean? = null, var numFastTurns: Int = -1, var knowledgeBaseDto: KnowledgeBaseDto? = null, val messages: MutableList<RoleMessageDto> = mutableListOf(), val tools: MutableList<ToolDto> = mutableListOf(), val toolIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(), val functions: MutableList<FunctionDto> = mutableListOf()) : OpenRouterModelProperties, CommonModelDto
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data class PerplexityAIModelDto(var model: String = "", var temperature: Double = -1.0, var maxTokens: Int = -1, var emotionRecognitionEnabled: Boolean? = null, var numFastTurns: Int = -1, var knowledgeBaseDto: KnowledgeBaseDto? = null, val messages: MutableList<RoleMessageDto> = mutableListOf(), val tools: MutableList<ToolDto> = mutableListOf(), val toolIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(), val functions: MutableList<FunctionDto> = mutableListOf()) : PerplexityAIModelProperties, CommonModelDto
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data class RoleMessageDto(var role: String = "", var content: String = "", var delay: Int = -1)
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data class TogetherAIModelDto(var model: String = "", var temperature: Double = -1.0, var maxTokens: Int = -1, var emotionRecognitionEnabled: Boolean? = null, var numFastTurns: Int = -1, var knowledgeBaseDto: KnowledgeBaseDto? = null, val messages: MutableList<RoleMessageDto> = mutableListOf(), val tools: MutableList<ToolDto> = mutableListOf(), val toolIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(), val functions: MutableList<FunctionDto> = mutableListOf()) : TogetherAIModelProperties, CommonModelDto
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data class VapiModelDto(var model: String = "", var temperature: Double = -1.0, var maxTokens: Int = -1, var emotionRecognitionEnabled: Boolean? = null, var numFastTurns: Int = -1, var knowledgeBaseDto: KnowledgeBaseDto? = null, val messages: MutableList<RoleMessageDto> = mutableListOf(), val tools: MutableList<ToolDto> = mutableListOf(), val toolIds: MutableSet<String> = mutableSetOf(), val functions: MutableList<FunctionDto> = mutableListOf()) : VapiModelProperties, CommonModelDto