vapi4k-docs Help

Deployment Options


Heroku is a cloud platform where you can deploy your Vapi4k applications.

Install the Heroku CLI using these instructions.

Create a Heroku Application

  1. Open a terminal window and navigate to the root directory of your Vapi4k application.

  2. Log in to Heroku with the command heroku login.

  3. Create a new Heroku app with the command heroku create 'optional_name'.

  4. Push your application to Heroku with the command git push heroku main.

  5. Open your application with the command heroku open. The URL in your browser should be assigned to VAPI4K_BASE_URL in the next step.

  6. Go to [Heroku]( and select the newly created application.

  7. Select the Settings tab, click on the Reveal Config Vars button, and assign the env vars found in your secrets.env file. Assign VAPI4K_BASE_URL to the URL seen above.

  8. Refresh your browser window after the dyno restarts.


You can deploy your Vapi4k application using a Docker container. The vapi4k-template project includes a Dockerfile that you can use to build a Docker image.

Install and run Docker Desktop by following these instructions.

Create a Docker account here.

Assign your Docker username and image name to the IMAGE_NAME variable in the Dockerfile.

The default jar filename is vapi4k-template.jar, but you can change it to whatever name you like. The name must be changed in both the Dockerfile and build.gradle.kts file.

Create a Docker image with the following command:

make build-docker

Push the Docker image with the following command:

make push-docker

Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean makes it easy to deploy a Docker container with their App Platform product.

Generic Deployment

Wherever you deploy your Vapi4k application, you will need to assign the following environment variables:





Last modified: 05 October 2024