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Assistants and Squads

A onAssistantRequest{} call is used to define the behavior of an application. It is required in all application descriptions. A call to onAssistantRequest{} should define a single assistant{}, squad{}, assistantId{}, or squadId{}. Calls to assistant{} and assistantId{} can also include a call to assistantOverrides{}.


An assistant{} call creates a temporary assistant that lasts for the duration of the call.

Assistant Example

fun Vapi4kConfig.assistantExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { openAIModel { modelType = OpenAIModelType.GPT_4O systemMessage = "You are a helpful agent." } firstMessage = "Hello, how can I help you today?" } } } }


A squad{} call creates a temporary squad that lasts for the duration of the call.

Squad Example

fun Vapi4kConfig.squadExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> squad { members { member { assistant { name = "Assistant 1" // Define assistant1 here } destinations { destination { assistantName = "Assistant 2" } } } member { assistant { name = "Assistant 2" // Define assistant2 here } destinations { destination { assistantName = "Assistant 1" } } } } } } } }


An assistantId{} call references a static assistant defined in the Vapi dashboard.

A assistantOverrides{} call is used to override the default assistant settings, and its argument has an AssistantOverrides context.

Assistant Id Example

fun Vapi4kConfig.assistantIdExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistantId { id = "41ba80bc-807c-4cf5-a8c3-0a88a5a5882g" assistantOverrides { // Define the assistant overrides here } } } } }


A squadId{} call references a static squad defined in the Vapi dashboard.

Squad Id Example

fun Vapi4kConfig.squadIdExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> squadId { id = "51ba90bc-807c-4cf5-a8c4-1a88a5a5882h" } } } }


Model Examples

fun Vapi4kConfig.anthropicExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { anthropicModel { modelType = AnthropicModelType.CLAUDE_3_HAIKU emotionRecognitionEnabled = true maxTokens = 250 temperature = 0.5 systemMessage = "You're a polite AI assistant named Vapi who is fun to talk with." } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.anyscaleExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { anyscaleModel { model = "Model_Description" emotionRecognitionEnabled = true maxTokens = 250 temperature = 0.5 systemMessage = "You're a polite AI assistant named Vapi who is fun to talk with." } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.customLLMExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { customLLMModel { model = "Model_Description" url = "Model_URL" emotionRecognitionEnabled = true maxTokens = 250 temperature = 0.5 systemMessage = "You're a polite AI assistant named Vapi who is fun to talk with." } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.deepInfraExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { deepInfraModel { model = "Model_Description" emotionRecognitionEnabled = true maxTokens = 250 temperature = 0.5 systemMessage = "You're a polite AI assistant named Vapi who is fun to talk with." } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.groqExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { groqModel { modelType = GroqModelType.LLAMA3_70B emotionRecognitionEnabled = true maxTokens = 250 temperature = 0.5 systemMessage = "You're a polite AI assistant named Vapi who is fun to talk with." } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.openAIExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { openAIModel { modelType = OpenAIModelType.GPT_4_TURBO semanticCachingEnabled = true emotionRecognitionEnabled = true maxTokens = 250 temperature = 0.5 fallbackModelTypes += OpenAIModelType.GPT_4O systemMessage = "You're a polite AI assistant named Vapi who is fun to talk with." } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.openRouterExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { openRouterModel { model = "Model_Description" emotionRecognitionEnabled = true maxTokens = 250 temperature = 0.5 systemMessage = "You're a polite AI assistant named Vapi who is fun to talk with." } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.perplexityAIExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { perplexityAIModel { model = "Model_Description" emotionRecognitionEnabled = true maxTokens = 250 temperature = 0.5 systemMessage = "You're a polite AI assistant named Vapi who is fun to talk with." } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.togetherAIExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { togetherAIModel { model = "Model_Description" emotionRecognitionEnabled = true maxTokens = 250 temperature = 0.5 systemMessage = "You're a polite AI assistant named Vapi who is fun to talk with." } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.vapiExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { vapiModel { model = "Model_Description" emotionRecognitionEnabled = true maxTokens = 250 temperature = 0.5 systemMessage = "You're a polite AI assistant named Vapi who is fun to talk with." } } } } }


Voice Examples

fun Vapi4kConfig.azureExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { azureVoice { voiceIdType = AzureVoiceIdType.BRIAN } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.cartesiaExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { cartesiaVoice { modelType = CartesiaVoiceModelType.SONIC_ENGLISH languageType = CartesiaVoiceLanguageType.ENGLISH } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.deepgramExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { deepgramVoice { voiceIdType = DeepGramVoiceIdType.ASTERIA } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.elevenLabsExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { elevenLabsVoice { modelType = ElevenLabsVoiceModelType.ELEVEN_TURBO_V2_5 } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.lmntExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { lmntVoice { voiceIdType = LMNTVoiceIdType.DANIEL } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.neetsExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { neetsVoice { voiceIdType = NeetsVoiceIdType.VITS } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.openAIExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { openAIVoice { voiceIdType = OpenAIVoiceIdType.ONYX } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.playHTExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { playHTVoice { voiceIdType = PlayHTVoiceIdType.DONNA } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.rimeAIExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { rimeAIVoice { modelType = RimeAIVoiceModelType.MIST } } } } }


Transcriber Examples

fun Vapi4kConfig.deepgramExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { deepgramTranscriber { transcriberModel = DeepgramModelType.NOVA_MEDICAL transcriberLanguage = DeepgramLanguageType.INDONESIAN } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.gladiaExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { gladiaTranscriber { transcriberModel = GladiaModelType.FAST transcriberLanguage = GladiaLanguageType.ICELANDIC } } } } }
fun Vapi4kConfig.talkscriberExample() { inboundCallApplication { onAssistantRequest { requestContext: RequestContext -> assistant { talkscriberTranscriber { transcriberModel = TalkscriberModelType.WHISPER transcriberLanguage = TalkscriberLanguageType.VIETNAMESE } } } } }
Last modified: 04 October 2024